I want to let you know about a fantastic opportunity for Bulgarian Motorsport. The prize is a fully supported ’works’ drive in the Bulgarian Championship with other prizes on offer along the way. All you have to do is express an interest by going to the following link. I can’t say more than that for now, but the official launch of the scheme will be toward the end of next week - around the 9th/10th January. Trust me when I say it will be worth it. http://www.rally-club.net/questionare/ cheers c.
No announcement yet.
Re: rally-prize
rally-scholarship написа:I want to let you know about a fantastic opportunity for Bulgarian Motorsport. The prize is a fully supported ’works’ drive in the Bulgarian Championship with other prizes on offer along the way. All you have to do is express an interest by going to the following link. I can’t say more than that for now, but the official launch of the scheme will be toward the end of next week - around the 9th/10th January. Trust me when I say it will be worth it. http://www.rally-club.net/questionare/ cheers c.
Re: rally-prize
soulkeeper написа:rally-scholarship написа:I want to let you know about a fantastic opportunity for Bulgarian Motorsport. The prize is a fully supported ’works’ drive in the Bulgarian Championship with other prizes on offer along the way. All you have to do is express an interest by going to the following link. I can’t say more than that for now, but the official launch of the scheme will be toward the end of next week - around the 9th/10th January. Trust me when I say it will be worth it. http://www.rally-club.net/questionare/ cheers c.само дето това ми се струва някаква уловка ....
незнам, но в нашия шампионат е бъкано с фирмени коли и пилоти... авторът на тази страница трябва да е много внимателен, защото с това количество данни, които се събират може да привлече вниманието на някои институции! за мен това си е чисто събиране на лични данни с цел "дириктен маркетинг"!"То, правото, е като хубава кобила на пазара. Който има повече пари, той я купува..." Йордан Радичков.